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Home News Social media & blogs PKF hotelexperts in conversation with Marco Nussbaum, prizeotel

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Social media & blogs • 2020-04-15

PKF hotelexperts in conversation with Marco Nussbaum, prizeotel

“Saving our company is the biggest fight of my career and I believe that the work done by associations on behalf of the industry is vital and deserves support and appreciation!”

PKF hotelexperts in conversation with Marco Nussbaum, Founder & CEO at prizeotel.

Nils Heckscher chats to colleagues from around the globe and players throughout the tourism industry: “We chat about personal situations and best practice in these challenging times of Covid-19 and what could be happening when this is all over.”

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PKF hotelexperts in conversation with Asli Kutlucan, Cycas Hospitality

PKF hotelexperts in conversation with Marco Nussbaum, prizeotel

PKF hotelexperts in conversation with Giorgio Bianchi, PKF hotelexperts, Milan

PKF hotelexperts in conversation with Baron Ah Moo, PKF hotelexperts, US

PKF hotelexperts in conversation withSabrina Handke, Hogan Lovellsand & Erik Steger, Wolf Theiss Robin Wattinger, Head of Asia, PKF hotelexperts

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